
Hampden Estate: Great House Distillery Edition 2020

It is January 2021 and life could not be further from where it was one year ago. Professionally, personally, politically, superficially. Everything has been turned upside down from what it once was. As I took some time today to think about all the ways that my life is, has been, changing over the past year; I did so while enjoying Hampden Estate’s 2020 Great House Distillery Edition. I have realized I haven’t spent any time talking about Hampden Estate on...


There are a lot of misconceptions in the world of spirits. Whether it is about how something is produced, embellished history or that big brands are the flagship representation of an entire category. The biggest is probably that there are spirits that are meant for mixing and that there are spirits meant for sipping. THIS. IS. NONSENSE. There are two types of spirits on the market: good and bad. If you use a poor-quality spirit in a cocktail, you will...


Wow. Sorry for the lackadaisical posting folks. Nearly two months since my last post is pretty inexcusable; regardless of how busy I may or may not have been throughout the month of April. Turns out that even when you are writing about something you love; there can still come a feeling of monotony. I will try to be better about that going forward. It has been a week since I was at the Chicago Rum Festival. I have to say...