pl. em·per·ies
Absolute dominion or jurisdiction; sovereignty.
In the past two years since I began drinking Foursquare rums, I have been able to enjoy it while planning, executing and celebrating milestones in my life. Criterion was there when I took a work transfer that ultimately allowed me to shape my own professional identity as a sort of “Champion of Rum” in Chicago. Dominus was the first rum I cracked open to celebrate when Erika and I moved to Nashville and I immediately got picked up by a distributor (even though that did not pan out as desired). Now, with Empery in my hand, I celebrate something new. Something that will continue to push me outside of my comfort zone, test my relationships constructively, force me to face my fears and insecurities head on and teach me about something bigger than myself.
Somethings in life just beckons at your soul. I believe wholeheartedly that everyone has that one big idea that will not let you rest until you have let it have its day. It will sit there in the corner recesses of your mind, trying to push its way forward through the sea of doubt and insecurity that is your ego. Your ego will tell you that chasing your passion is a pipe dream. That your friends and family will judge and resent you for going against the social norms that they surrendered to without question. That a successful life is measured by your paycheck, happiness can be purchased at a store and that the world is confined to a zip code. And that is all bullshit.
Which is why in August we will be doing something that so far, has been met with some criticism, but overall admiration. We will be leaving our jobs and putting just about everything we own into storage and for three months, we will be living out of our backpacks as we traverse Europe. As of this moment, our current itinerary will be taking us to Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Germany and somewhere that we are going to let fate decide.
This is something that we have talked about doing for years now and have dreamt about doing since before we really knew each other. And honestly, we are tired of making up excuses as to why we shouldn’t do it. Especially when those reasons revolved around simple fear and money. We know that if we don’t do it now, odds are that it will never happen and we would never forgive ourselves.
Most people when it comes to this sort of thing tend to push it off to some undetermined, indistinguishable time in the future that will reveal itself at the “right time” once you’ve reached some ideal spot in your life. I’m afraid to inform however that moment; is right now. And it is right now because this idyllic time that you fantasize about does not exist. At least for the majority of us.
I also want to make it known that this is not some glamour trip. When I said living out of a backpack, I mean, living out of a backpack. We will be staying at AirB&B’s. hostels and crashing on friend’s couches. Most of our meals will be made at “home” and when we do go out; we will be splitting entrees. There will be no fancy hotels, room service or lavished dining out.
As a way to help offset the financial burden of the trip, we will also be participating in the W.W.O.O.F. (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) Program. We will be dedicating about 25-30 hours on a week on farms helping with whatever the host family may need help with in exchange for room and board. This is all about taking on meaningful work and truly getting to know some of the countries we will be visiting on a culturally intimate level.
This is going to be such an exciting period of our lives and we will be learning so much more about ourselves on a deeply spiritual level I feel. It is my hopes that this will reveal more of who and what I want to be in the world, with the limited time that I (we) have on it. I look forward to sharing some of this journey with those that are interested and hope that it sparks you all to do something outrageous and meaningful with your time on this planet as well. As Randy Komisar said:
And then there is the most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.
Now on to the review…
The hits just keep coming. As with 2018, 2019 has brought about another outstanding round of rums from the team at Foursquare Rum Distillery. In addition to the wonderfully rich and chewy 2007 Vintage and Probitas, their collaboration with Hampden Estates Distillery from Jamaica, we are given the follow up to Dominus – Empery.
Empery is the ninth mark of the Foursquare Exceptional Cask Selection and possibly, their finest to date. One of the first things that should be noteworthy about not only this release but the releases of this year’s Real McCoy Limited Edition and Doorly’s is the age statement. As near as I can tell, this is the amongst the oldest rums the distillery has ever released at 14-years-old.
The importance of this is found in that this is all tropically aged; where we see a much higher Angel’s Share versus spirits aged in North America or Europe. The ability to put out a quality spirit that has aged so long in the tropics without becoming overoaked is a true skill that highlights the importance of the Master Blender in rum.
Additionally, Empery’s genetics are quite unique. Not only is this a 14-year-old rum, but a 14-year-old rum aged in multiple use ex-bourbon barrels before being blended with another rum that was aged separately for 10 years in ex-bourbon before being transferred to ex-sherry casks for an additional four years. So, you end up with two separate 14-year-old rums being blended together to something truly beautiful and unique.
From there it is bottled at a very respectable 56% abv without any added sugar, flavor or artificial color.

The bottle is your traditional, slightly stubby, Foursquare bottle and that is really all you need to know. It is a Foursquare ECS release. You should know what it looks like by now. The contents of the bottle, however; held to the light, reveals a deep bronze core with a vibrant patina of rusty copper highlights on the edges.
The nose on this is wonderfully deep and pungent without being heavy and muddled. The sherry barrel really takes the center stage here. Which I find interesting with how short the aging took place in these barrels and makes me wonder not just how long they held sherry before Richard selected them; but how freshly dumped they were before being re-filled.
This rum smells like Christmas to me. The heavy sherry element brings about aromas of plum pudding, Christmas fruitcake, candied almonds, sweet cream, strawberry jam, mint, musty brown sugar, and toasted black cavendish pipe tobacco. I should note that I have been picking up different pipe tobacco notes as of recently.
The entry of this is so rich and warm. There is a lot going on here and you need to take your time with this rum. It is a rum that needs attention. Should you give it that; you will find these sweet jammy notes of brandy-soaked stone fruits with chocolate cherry cordials and fresh raspberries.
Very, very oily and slick. It effortlessly coats your palate.
The higher alcohol rushes in with a pop of savory spices. Chilis, peppercorns, and candied ginger dance all over the tongue with that prickly sensation. There is a bit of charred sweet oak that compliments the long-lasting snappy finish.
This is 100% everything I was looking for from last year’s release of Premise and a spirit for sherry lovers of all kind. All of those wonderful characteristics get to showcase themselves without being muddied. This is even more impressive with how old the rum is. It would be very easy for a lot to go wrong with this formula, but Richard really showed alchemist genius with this one in my opinion. For me personally, this balance puts it ahead of 2005, 2006, 2007, Premise and Dominus. As it opens up more it might have a stronger showing that Criterion and is running neck and neck to Destino.
This really sums up this next stage of my life quite well. There is a lot going on, a lot to take in, a lot to process and a lot that can go wrong. But it works. It is an example of what taking a chance and pushing the envelope achieves when it is done passionately and not for praise.