One of the things that draw me to a particular brand is how it gives back to the world. Spirits, like most things, has fallen to the monster of cheap production, mass marketing and brands become a ghost of their former self. Unlike those brands, Clement is dedicated to not only protecting its own legacy and heritage but also of those that bring meaning and joy to others on Martinique. The most important way that Clément does this is through Fondation Clément.

In 2005 the GBH Foundation created Fondation Clément. This foundation was created by Habitation Clément to extend its Cultural Heritage Protection to the Arts and Cultural Heritage in Martinique.
These Protections are notably extended to Habitations La Sucrerie and Pécoul. These two estates are dedicated to protecting and promoting the Creole architectural heritage of the island.
Fondation Clement also works to acquire and promote contemporary Caribbean art on the island. To date, over 170 artists have been represented in their galleries. Each year a new exhibit is organized and allows free entry to school groups and the public. Additional information can be found at

In addition to the cultural preservation of Martinique; Clement (amongst other notable producers like Rhum J.M.) practice environmental preservation and sustainability. After the sugarcane is harvested and crushed; the Bagasse (spent fibers) are piled to be sun-dried. Once any excess moisture evaporates, the fibers are used as fuel for the Coffey still and mills on the grounds.

Any of the residual liquid that remains after the distillation process (Vinasse) is PH treated and is used as fertilizer for both cane and banana fields.
Rhum producers also use biodegradable boxes for packaging larger sized bottles of rhum instead of using heavier cardboard and practice EU labor laws in which all employees are granted 28 days of paid vacation, healthcare, educational opportunities, and shorter workdays during seasonal extreme weather patterns.