
Please Stay Home, We Are Not Open for You

As I am writing this, it has been a week since my state has issued a “Shelter in Place” order as crept its way across the U.S. Much like a peat fire slowly smoldering under everyone’s feet; until it burst into a full-fledged forest fire consuming the daily lives of all of us. As an employee for a major wine and spirits retailer in the Midwest, I watched first hand as the world around us fell into a frenzy. Much...

Fondation Clément

One of the things that draw me to a particular brand is how it gives back to the world. Spirits, like most things, has fallen to the monster of cheap production, mass marketing and brands become a ghost of their former self. Unlike those brands, Clement is dedicated to not only protecting its own legacy and heritage but also of those that bring meaning and joy to others on Martinique. The most important way that Clément does this is through...

Novo Fogo: Cachaça & Conservation

It should come as no surprise at this point that the Amazon Rainforest is in dire straits and has been for quite some time now. However, things appear to be at their most bleak. Currently, throughout South America, most notably Brazil, the Amazon Rainforest has been ragingly consumed with record number fires coursing through the landscape. As of the writing of this article, NASA and NOAA satellites are showing an 83% increase in the Amazon from this time this year....